The first step in creating a low maintenance home - one you don't need to worry about when rains fall and winds blow - is to solve small problems before they need big, expensive fixes.
These simple preventative maintenance tips take just a short time to perform, but they are keys to preventing hazardous conditions and expensive repairs down the road.
Below are the tasks you should be sure to tackle during the year to keep your home running smoothly. If you pencil them in on your calendar at the beginning of each year, you'll be more likely to remember and take care of them.
1. Monthly Preventative Maintenance Tasks
Here are the essential home maintenance tasks to perform monthly. Take advantage of sunny days to inspect your home's exterior:
>> Clear your front walkway of surface of debris, moss, snow, or other pedestrian hazards.
Grab a spare moment to complete these simple, yet important tasks to ensure that your home is safe and well-maintained. Your monthly home maintenance checklist for your home's interior includes:
>> Test batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
2. Seasonal Home Preventative Maintenance
Seasonal preventative maintenance on your home should include:
>> Check for surface cracks in masonry and stucco; seal if needed.
>> Clean or change furnace filters (monthly if you have pets).
>> Check washing machine and dishwasher areas for leaks.
3. Semi-Annual Preventative Maintenance Tasks
Twice yearly home preventative maintenance tasks include:
>> Scrub away mold and mildew on your home's exterior.
>> Look for leaks in the attic, basement, and garage.
>> Check caulking around tub, shower, sinks; replace caulking as needed.
4. Annual Home Maintenance Checklist
>> Have chimney inspected; clean if needed.>> Inspect and clean roof, downspouts, gutters; repair if needed.
>> Check seal of windows and doors; weatherstrip if needed.
>> Have heating and cooling systems professionally serviced.
>> Replace batteries in smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.
>> Inspect flooring for wear; refinish, repair, or replace as needed.